What We Do
The work that we do is quite varied. Some of the things that we are actively engaged with/ or about to engage with, include:
• Working with the mental health charity, Mind, in delivering 1-1 therapy sessions.
• Going into schools. This work is the most fun! We get to talk to the children about snow dogs, the environment, how to care for dogs and how to approach dogs. The children all have the chance to get up close and personal with the pooches and this “cheers them up for the week”. Some of the children we have visited may have special needs or from a very poor family/background that have never had the chance to see such dogs before.
• Working with recovering service personnel. Along with going into schools, this was one of the original reasons for starting the organisation. We have worked with individual veterans of the Afghanistan conflict; now we are looking to start doing visits to national recovery centres.
• Dog training. Shane is a qualified dog trainer with a lot of experience with Northern breeds
• Promotional days and community talks.
• Team Sled Dogs As Therapy! To raise awareness of the work that we do and to fund raise, we have set up a team! We will be doing expeditions and taking up challenges to raise money for the organisation and to contribute to other organisations – Watch this space!
© 2015 Sled Dogs As Therapy UK
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